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Helping Young Mothers Build Solid Foundations

​Who is SAFE for?

SAFE’s primary target market is comprised of young women who are pregnant or have at least one child and have been victims of physical or sexual abuse, are at risk, or are homeless. All of our participants have the ability and willingness to address the issues contributing to and surrounding the instability in their life.  The program will help young families in crisis whose story would have a different outcome if given a little help, mentoring, or financial assistance along their journey.

What does SAFE do?

Shelter Assistance Foundation Encouragement is a program for young individuals/families who need help getting on their feet and staying there. As a member of SAFE, young families are provided mentoring, encouragement, financial assistance and hope of reaching their goal of independence.


If you're reading this page, and you're not sure what to do...

Give us a call! We are more than happy to talk to you about your situation and how we may be able to help you. You are NOT alone! You are beautiful, you are able, and you WILL be successful. We are here to lift you up and help you put the pieces back together.



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